A comment on the censorship policy

Anonymous nobody at replay.com
Wed Jan 29 21:57:45 PST 1997

I cannot understand how some of my (accurate) criticisms of Sandfort's
censorhip polices---some in direct response to his own self-serving posts
declaring himself not to be a flamer himself---are not making it to the
"New and Improved Censored List," while inane posts from Toto, Thorn, and
someone named "Nurdane Oksas" are appearing.

(Oksas has the especially annoying habit of quoting entire posts and then
appending a one-line piece of completely list-irrelevant fluff. Also,
engaging in lovey-dovey posts with Vulis, who writes messages about how he
longs to see Oksas naked.)

This whole process is showing the worst of Sandfort's censorship policy.

(If this is dumped into the "Not suitable for Cypherpunks to read" list, I
urge those of you who see it to pass it on to the main list.)



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