Fighting the cybercensor. (fwd)

Jim Choate ravage at
Sat Jan 25 13:30:47 PST 1997

Forwarded message:

> Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1997 10:19:20 -0800
> From: Dale Thorn <dthorn at>
> Subject: Re: Fighting the cybercensor. (fwd)
> Precedence: bulk
> Bill Stewart wrote:
> > At 07:38 PM 1/23/97 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:

I most certainly did NOT...

> > One of the points of the Ebonics program is to recognize that
> > other people don't always speak the same way you do, and that
> > if you want to communicate with them, you'll be more successful
> > if you realize it, understand when they're talking in their dialect,
> I could agree with "some of the points" of the Ebonics program were
> it not for the fact of the hidden points.  Unbeknownst to most folks,
> supporting a program on any erstwhile points will give support to the
> program on *all* points.

Looks like Bessie could use a refresher course in:

   *  Getting their sources correct

   *  Using their mail/editing package

   *  Basic rules of courtesy

Folks, if you can't get it straight, keep your damn editor buffers empty.

                                                Jim Choate
                                                ravage at

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