Homo/bi/sexuals Most Destructive (fwd)

no_one at nowhere.org no_one at nowhere.org
Fri Jan 24 19:54:38 PST 1997

In article <199701250026.QAA13770 at toad.com>, ravage at einstein.ssz.com (Jim
Choate) wrote:

> Much drivel about AIDS deleted.
> >         One of the saddest commentaries on the entire problem is the
> >     man, a Pan-American flight steward, who was identified as carrier
> >     #1 by the Communicable Disease Center (CDC) in Atlanta; he died
> The correct term is 'Patient 0'.

   And the CDC is the Centers for Disease Control; and it has since found
many, many prior cases of AIDS. These three minor errors are indicative of
Attila's reliability of the subject. Of course, no one at CDC or NIH
believes any of this crap; it was tired a decade ago.

ObCrypto? How to implement RL anonymity protocols for medical treatment?
(Of course I'm stretching it - but "carriers" were the *first* horseman.

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