encryption program

Liz Taylor liz at nym.alias.net
Tue Jan 14 03:15:56 PST 1997

Ed Falk wrote:
> I ran a quick Kappa test on it.  There was a nice fat spike at key
> length 25, as somebody else suggested, but an almost perfect
> correlation at 100.  The message is almost certainly a simple
> polyalphabetic cipher with keylength 100.

	I don't want to discourage anybody from trying their
cryptanalytic skills against this, but this particular cryptogram
has already been decrypted and the plain text posted to sci.crypt a
few days back by Jim Gillogly. The message ID is <32D445A4.3DF at mentat.com>

	The snake oil vendor then came out with another cryptogram
using the same algorithm. It is titled `decryption' and the plain text
starts with "There are plenty of programs you could buy such as".
Mr. Gillogly broke that too. See news:<32DA7FE4.1F41 at mentat.com>

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