FTC Online Privacy Report

Declan McCullagh declan at pathfinder.com
Tue Jan 7 08:22:48 PST 1997

The report is a summary of the June 4/5 meeting where the FTC heard from a
half-dozen panels of privacy advocates, consumer groups, and businesses.
I posted a note about it and the legislation swirling around it to
cypherpunks then, I believe.

The hearing/workshop was tense at times. The privacy advocates and firms
were at odds: companies proposed free-market solutions. The nonprofit
lobby groups said it wouldn't work. EPIC, for instance, is one of the
groups pushing for greater privacy protection through legislation and


On Tue, 7 Jan 1997, John Young wrote:

> The Federal Trade Commission released yesterday:
> "Consumer Privacy on the Global Information Infrastructure" 
>    http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/privacy/privacy1.htm
> Reuters 1-6-97:
>   The Federal Trade Commission, which last year held a conference 
>   on privacy issues, said participants at the gathering agreed that 
>   businesses have four ways to protect consumer privacy:
>   -- Notify consumers about how personal information collected online is
>   used.
>   -- Give consumers a choice about whether and how their personal
>   information is used.
>   -- Ensure the security of personal information is protected.
>   -- Give consumers access to their own personal information to ensure its
>   accuracy.

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