
Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at
Mon Jan 6 19:12:14 PST 1997

Ray Arachelian <sunder at> writes:
> If you don't want noise, I run a free filtered list.  To get help on it,
> send a private message (do not reply to this one, or it will be ignored
> by the bots if it comes through cypherpunks) with the >SUBJECT< "fcpunx
> help" (the body of the message is ignored.)

When Ray Arachelian posts lies to this mailing list, he also forwards
them to his censored mailing list. When the victims of Arachelian's
libel refute his lies, Ray does not forward their responses to his
mailing list. Sandy liked this setup so much, he wants the whole
"cypher punks" mailing list to be censored this way.

No wonder - "cypher punks" are opposed to wide availability of crypto,
privacy, secure communications, and free speech in general. As they
keep saying, free speech should only be available to the "elite" who
will use it "responsibly" - no free speech for Jews or homophobes.


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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