Jim Choate ravage at
Sat Jan 4 11:31:38 PST 1997

Hi all,

Forwarded message:

> Date: Sat, 04 Jan 1997 10:24:21 -0800
> From: Dale Thorn <dthorn at>
> C'mon Gary, why would anyone want to bother with all of this crap?
> Chip implants are already in millions of pets.  It's simple, cheap,
> and there's no work for the owner.

And there are several standards which are NOT compatible. Simply putting a
chip in your pet (or child) is not sufficient to guarantee their return.
If the system at use at the pound is not compatible the chip in the pet
won't even respond and the operator has no idea of the actual situation.
This is one of the reasons many states are enacting laws regarding the sale
and transfer of pets. There was a piece on CNN just a couple of weeks ago
about this problem, one state in the central US is in the process of passing
various laws about animal trading. Seems they have a problem with people
stealing pets from peoples homes and collecting 'for free' pets and then
selling them to the medical labs at a hefty profit. Their advise was to
never give pets away, but to always charge at least $10 ea. and if leaving
pets unattended either put them inside a locked bldg. or else have your
neighbors watch them in a fenced yard.

> Thousands of humans are also implanted, i.e., Green Berets, Seals, and
> similar types, women with breast implants, and so on.  There's a move-
> ment on to implant most children, so they're not as vulnerable to kid-
> napping, etc.

Baloney. I know two SEAL's (I share an office at work with one) and I 
can verify they are NOT chiped. I also have several female friends who have
had various breast surgeries and they also are not chipped.

                                                Jim Choate
                                                ravage at

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