Freedom Forum report on the State of the First Amendment

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at
Tue Dec 23 13:12:50 PST 1997

Lizard <lizard at> writes:
> How is someone 'oppressed' by my choosing not to deal with him for some
> reasons, but not for other reasons? Either way, he does not get my services.

The eye of the beholder.

> I refuse to hire you because you are black -- you are oppressed.
> I refuse to hire you because you're an Aquarius and my astrologer told me
> not to hire Aquarians -- you are not oppressed.
> I refuse to hire you because you're a Republican and I'm a Democrat, and I
> don't think we'll work well together -- you are not oppressed.

I refuse to hire Colin at ML because I during the technical interview I asked him
the same questions I ask all other candidates, and he demonstrated his utter
ignorance and stupidity. Hence I discriminate against the clueless.

I refuse to hire Colin at ML because his skin lacks the appropriate pigmentation
(I presume: I know first-hand that very few blacks work for ML), and the
gubmint mandated that I set aside most of my contracts for folks with the
appropriate skin color. Am I discriminating against Colin at ML?


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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