Is Unix dying--or even dead?

phelix at phelix at
Fri Dec 19 04:19:09 PST 1997

On 19 Dec 1997 05:59:43 -0600, "S. M. Halloran" <mitch at> wrote:

>>From Edupage, 18 December 1997:
>Silicon Graphics Inc.'s plan to allow SGI graphics software to run on
>Microsoft's Windows NT operating system provides new evidence that a
>growing number of companies are giving up on Unix and instead
>standardizing on Windows NT.  SGI hopes to be able to use its
>experience in developing high-end graphics software without having to
>spend a great deal of time building the underlying technology
>represented by an operating system. (Washington Post  17 Dec 97)

Does this mean that Unix is dying?
No, it means that graphics professionals are buying Wintel boxes instead of
SGI's expensive workstations. ( a shame really, SGI make some damn nice
workstations, but that pesky price/performance ratio is pushing people into
high end Wintel boxes)

-- Phelix

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