An end to "court appointed attorneys"

Vipul Ved Prakash vipul at
Thu Aug 21 12:40:53 PDT 1997

Kent Crispin wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 20, 1997 at 08:51:09PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
> > At 1:16 PM -0700 8/20/97, Patrick Oonk wrote:
> > 
> > But the ability of a herd to take a vote, real or alleged, will not be
> > sufficient to collect tribute from those who don't want to make the
> > contribution freely.

> Note another characteristic of cult thinking -- total separation of
> the illuminati from the "herd" -- the idea that the "chosen" are
> irrevocably different from those other unfortunate creatures that
> accidentally share the same physical form. 

the idea is that the "competent" (not "chosen") are irrevocably different 
from those other "incompetent and parasitical" (and not "unfortunate") 
creatures that accidentally share the same physical form.



Vipul Ved Prakash                 | - Electronic Security & Crypto 
vipul at 	          | - Web Objects 
91 11 2233328                     | - PERL Development 
198 Madhuban IP Extension         | - Linux & Open Systems 
Delhi, INDIA 110 092              | - Networked Virtual Spaces

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