Hypothetical situation for networks

Anonymous nobody at REPLAY.COM
Thu Aug 14 16:29:50 PDT 1997

On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, Ray Arachelian wrote:

> > OS doesn't really matter, as it is a hypothetical system, but we'll assume
> > either some form of unix/linux, or perhaps winNT or novell NetWare.
> Can NFS under solaris or linux be tunneled through SSH?  That would seem
> feasable (that is if you can get SSH to tunnel a UDP...)  

I think SSH will not tunnel UDP, and TCP NFS for Linux and Solaris (?) is
not reliable.  I would lean towards SSH in rcp-style mode: for a
continent-wide link you will probably find the performance of batch-style
transfers more enjoyable than that of a remote file system system.  SSH
also very neatly lets you run remote commands and so on.  (Enough,

> If not, you
> could use microsoft's PPTP, but I wouldn't trust its cyphers.

Don't touch it.


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