SSL weakness affecting links from pa

Bryce bryce at
Mon Apr 14 11:43:25 PDT 1997

 A million monkeys operating under the pseudonym 
 "Black Unicorn <unicorn at>" typed:
> "You are about to forward a referer header to the page you have selected.
> Forwarding the referer header to this site may reveal more about your web
> browsing habits than you would prefer.  Should <netscape> surpress the
> referer header?  Yes/No/Always Surpress/Never Surpress."

Minor UI nit:  it would be much much better if it said 

"You are about to send a 'referrer header' telling the next web 
site about the web page you are currently looking at.  Should 
<netscape> send this 'referrer header'?  
[Yes/No/Always Send Referrer Headers/Never Send Referrer Headers]"


Zooko Journeyman

Disclaimers follow:  I am not a cypherpunk.  NOT speaking for 
DigiCash or any other person or organization.  No PGP sig follows.

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