VCRS and Crypto

craigw at craigw at
Fri Sep 27 20:18:32 PDT 1996

If the average person cared about quality rather than what is 
marketed as bestand the must have,  we might have laser disk instead
of video rental stores. Also, where would M$ be

> >Remember the VHS/Beta VCR wars?  With a fairly equal market in about 1978,
> >Beta died 10 years later because the market couldn't support two
> >incompatible standards.  It wasn't that one was dramatically better than the
> >other, it was simply that having two standards forced the market to
> >duplicate stocks, for the machines as well as tapes, particularly
> >pre-recorded tapes.  Notice, however, that VCR's are relatively "isolated":
> >It doesn't really matter if you have one format and your neighbor has
> >another, unless you want to swap tapes.  But crypto telephones inherently
> >require (in the long term) full intercompability.  If you didn't have that,
> >there'd be half a world of people you couldn't call!

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|   Soon, we may all be staring at our computers, wondering    |
|               whether they're staring back.                  |
|                                                              |
| [Network Admin For WPA Business Products.  aka doshai >;-) ] |
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