common sense

Adamsc Adamsc at
Tue Sep 17 14:51:27 PDT 1996

On Thu, 12 Sep 1996 16:04:14 -0700, HipCrime wrote:

>> And rather than "dispensing drugs in clinics," why not simply
>> scrap the drug laws entirely?  People have a *right* to do as
>> they please with their bodies.

>Let's hear it for common sense.  It's the first decent posting I've
>seen to this list.

Tell me, how do you walk with that huge chip on your shoulder?

# Chris Adams <adamsc at> |
# cadams at | V.M. (619)515-4894
"I have never been able to figure out why anyone would want to play games on
a computer in any case when the whole system is a game.  Word processing,
spreadsheets, telecoms -- it's all a game.  And they pay you to play it."
	-- Duncan Frissell

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