[NOISE] The Doors

Vipul Ved Prakash vipul at pobox.com
Tue Sep 3 14:44:55 PDT 1996

The Doors was not only about freedom and love, but about crypto too!
Notice these lines from the song "Five to One"

Old [cipher] gets old and young get stronger
May take a week baby, may take longer [to crack]
they've [clinton] got the guns and we've got the numbers
gonna win we will take 'em over, com'on.


- Vipul


Vipul Ved Prakash                 | - Electronic Security & Crypto 
vipul at pobox.com 	          | - Internet & Intranets 
91 11 2247802                     | - Web Development & PERL 
198 Madhuban IP Extension         | - Linux & Open Systems 
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