slander again

Ray Arachelian sunder at
Thu Oct 24 12:10:41 PDT 1996

On Tue, 22 Oct 1996, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:

> On the other hand, Ray Arachelian is a typical product of the hate-
> filled Armenian culture. Folks fortunate enough not to know many
> Armenians don't realize that their self-identification is built upon the
> hatred for Moslems, hatred for Jews, for their Georgian neighbors, and
> generally everyone. Ray spouting off about "amoeba shit" sounds like a
> typical hate-crazed Armenian, despite being in California.

Thanks man.  Keep going, I sure could use your money.  Slander away.  
Don't stop.  Just keep it up and soon all of your pay check will go in my 

 + ^ + |  Ray Arachelian    |FL|       KAOS KERAUNOS KYBERNETOS      |==/|\==
  \|/  |sunder at|UL|__Nothing_is_true,_all_is_permitted!_|=/\|/\=
<--+-->| ------------------ |CG|What part of 'Congress shall make no |=\/|\/=
  /|\  | "A toast to Odin,  |KA| law abridging the freedom of speech'|==\|/==
 + v + |God of screwdrivers"|AK|        do you not understand?       |=======
      If the Macintosh is a woman...  Then Windows is a Transvestite!
           ActiveX! ActiveX! Format Hard drive? Just say yes!

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