Crypto Raid

John Young jya at
Mon Oct 21 06:38:37 PDT 1996

   In a coincidence with the Biham/Shamir smart card attack,
   AP reports October 20 on an Israeli raid of News Datacom
   Research for $150 million tax fraud, allegedly because
   locally developed crypto products were smuggled out of
   the country. News Datacom develops and markets encryption
   systems for pay-TV based on Shamir's work, and he is a

   Recall that Markoff's story on DFA cited Bahim's
   experience with pirate-TV and smart-card tampering.

   FiTi ran stories last May about the company's financial
   derring-do, which we've placed with the AP report at:

   We've also put the Biham/Shamir DFA post and NYT article

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