Cynthia Dwork talk: Non-Malleable Cryptography

Bill Frantz frantz at
Mon Oct 14 22:13:34 PDT 1996

Sorry for the late post.  I'm way behind in reading my mail.

--------------Begin forwarded message---------------------
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 1996 09:27:14 -0700
From: "Francois V. Guimbretiere" <francois at>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (X11; I; Linux 1.3.48 i586)
To: secure at lists.Stanford.EDU, colloq at
Subject: Cynthia Dwork talk: Non-Malleable Cryptography
Sender: owner-secure at lists.Stanford.EDU
Precedence: bulk

Title: Non-Malleable Cryptography
 Speaker: Cynthia Dwork, IBM Almaden Research Center
    Time: Tuesday 15 Oct 1996, 4:15pm, Gates 104

The notion of {\it non-malleable} cryptography,
an extension of semantically secure cryptography,
will be defined.
Informally, in the context of encryption
the additional requirement is that
given the ciphertext it is impossible to generate
a {\it different} ciphertext so that the respective
plaintexts are related.
Common public key cryptosystems are quite malleable:
for example, in RSA it is trivial to compute
$E(2x)$ given only $E(x)$.
Although defined with public key cryptography in mind,
non-malleability issues also arise in private-key cryptography.
Indeed, the security of
many common protocols, such as Kerberos, relies
implicitly on the inability of an adversary to compute $E(f(N))$
given only $E(N)$, for simple functions $f$.
The talk will focus on non-malleable public key cryptosystems.
with a few remarks on non-malleable schemes for
private-key cryptography, string commitment,
and proofs of possession of knowledge.

This is joint work with Danny Dolev and Moni Naor.
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Bill Frantz       | Tired of Dole/Clinton?     | Periwinkle -- Consulting
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