The Right to Keep and Bear Crypto

Steve Schear azur at
Wed Oct 2 19:07:21 PDT 1996

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people
 to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
                                 --Constitution of the United States of America,
                                 Amendment II, 1791

I'm not a consitiutional scholar, but it seems to me that since the
government has already classed crypto as arms via ITAR and since the I am
guaranteed the right to bear arms I choose to bear the crypto of my choice
as part of my arsonal.

The founding father's believed that the citizen's right to arms is all that
may ultimately stand in the path of a government no longer duly
constituted.  In such a case a manditory GAK system could render all but
the government's crypto impotent, disarming the populace of this valuable

I therefore propose that since only strong crypto may be secure against the
government in such a circumstances the government may not deny me the right
to keep and bear the strong crypto of my choosing, unless I use it for
criminal purpose.  Futher in order that citizen militias employing strong
crypto be well regulated (e.g., well maintained) the practice of using
strong crypto by such citizens must be regular and wide spread.

-- Steve

PGP Fingerprint: FE 90 1A 95 9D EA 8D 61  81 2E CC A9 A4 4A FB A9
Snoop Daty Data           | Internet: azur at
Grinder                   | Voice: 1-702-655-2877
Sacred Cow Meat Co.       | Fax: 1-702-658-2673
7075 W. Gowan Road, #2148 |
Las Vegas, NV 89129       |

Just say NO to prescription DRUGS.

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for
 the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."
    -- C.S. Lewis

"Surveillence is ultimately just another form of media, and thus, potential
    -- G. Beato

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