Sameer R.I.P.

Jim McCoy mccoy at
Sun Nov 24 23:55:38 PST 1996

drose at wrote:
> Sameer has decided, it seems, to get out of the anonymity
> business and pursue other interests.

Sameer was offering the net an essentially free service and
people should be greteful that it lasted as long as it did.
If people are so full of rightous indignation over this they
should pick up the torch and carry on using their own dime.
[OTOH, a word of explanation would have been nice...]

Sandy writes:
>Well, I guess you could call privacy guaranteed by strong crypto,
>"other interests."  Seems right in the middle of what Cypherpunks
>are all about.  If you like strong crypto, you'll love what's
>coming next from C2Net.

Translation:  C2 has a product which is making money.  Providing
support for a service which is essentially making no money was
taking time away from things like Stronghold and development of
other products.  The latter are much more important to C2 because
it lets them hire all kinds of nice people like Sandy :)


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