[NOISE] Want to know about this "aga" character? Read the Grubo

Alan Bostick abostick at netcom.com
Wed Nov 20 18:02:34 PST 1996

In article <gqmkXD7w165w at bwalk.dm.com>,
dlv at bwalk.dm.com (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM) wrote:

> Also read http://www.mindspring.com/~netscum/flaqu for more details on
> Alan, John, and their merry playmates.

Can't you get anything right?  The correct URL is


Alan "Proud to keep such distinguished company" Bostick

Alan Bostick               | You know those chemicals women have in them,
                           | when they've got PMS? Well, men have those very
mailto:abostick at netcom.com | same chemicals in them *all the time*.
news:alt.grelb             |           Margaret Atwood, THE ROBBER BRIDE

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