Does John Gilmore...

Black Unicorn unicorn at
Sun Nov 17 17:05:54 PST 1996

On Sun, 17 Nov 1996, Dave Hayes wrote:

> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 1996 13:16:14 -0800
> From: Dave Hayes <dave at>
> To: Black Unicorn <unicorn at>
> Cc: freedom-knights at, cypherpunks at
> Subject: Re: Does John Gilmore... 
> > The free market will ever be the only real path to free speech, because,
> > in essence, it is free speech.
> > Free speech does not, however, require that all speech be universally
> > broadcast to each and every citizen on the planet free of charge.  That's
> > "subsidized speech."
> Given that the free market rule is "he who has the money makes the
> rules", please explain how anything less than "subsidized speech" (as
> you put it) is anything close to free speech?
> [For those who's assumptions rule their perception: I am *not* arguing
> that all speech should be subsidized. I am merely pointing out that
> the organization that is spending the money to broadcast is
> controlling the speech, hence it is *not* free speech in terms of
> freedom or cost.]

Again, you confuse free speech with free broadcast.

> ------
> Dave Hayes - Altadena CA, USA - dave at 
> Freedom Knight of Usenet -
>                 If you want to get rid of somebody, 
>             just tell them something for their own good.

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