Not. [Was Re: Federal Reserve Bank is ILLEGAL?]

Rich Graves rcgraves at
Tue Nov 12 17:21:20 PST 1996

Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Nov 1996, Doug Renner wrote:
> > Are these not correct?  Anyway, there were issues other than mere
> > legality discussed, including history & practicality.  Specifically,
> > the quotes from Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Rothschild,
> > references to Congressional Record, etc. were what had impressed
> > me in the link below.
> Bah. "Mere legallity" indeed.

But Professor Froomkin, you are igNORING the inFLUENCE of the ILLUMINATI 
and the BILDERBERGERS. The same source that supplied this imPORTANT 
information about the FED tells us the TRUTH in an earlier missive. Mere 
"legality" and mere "facts" are NOT at issue here.

|ADAM WISEHOPHF, Professor at Germany's Ingolstadt University, founded 
|The Order of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776. This man designed the very
|plan of world domination that is still in use today to enslave the 
|world's masses. Here, upon establishing his "Order of the Illuminati", 
|he smugly reflects on his "conning" the gullible Christians of his day,
|"The most wonderful thing of all is that the distinguished Lutheran and 
|Calvinist theologians who belong to our order really believe that they 
|see in it (Illuminati) the true and genuine sense of Christian 
|Religion. Oh mortal man, is there anything you cannot be made to 
|Evidently not! And a high percentage of Christians today are still 
|being conned in the same way. One prime example of this are the 
|millions of Christians, and most church denominations, who have fallen 
|for the NWO plan of a "One World RELIGION", being spearheaded by the 
|United Nations' National and World Counsel of Churches, behind the 
|battle cry of ecumenicalism. 
|Watch the future and we will see only small groups of spiritual Ameri- 
|cans, who will resist following the millions of "religious" lambs to 
|the slaughter. The Lord of the Bible always warned His people to never 
|follow the MULTITUDE. 

As everyone on cypherPUNKS KNOWS, to every conspiracy theory there IS a 
grain of TRUTH. We as a people MUST understand the TRUTH and fulfill our 

> > Or am I just making that common but incorrect assumption that
> > unconstitutionality entails illegality?
> No, I'm afraid you are making the common but incorrect assumption that
> reading some part of one court case from the dustbin of history out of
> context makes you a constitutional expert.

I seriously doubt he believes that. Or anything else he's spouting off 

> > Thanks for responding to this thread, Michael.  Your input is very
> > much valued.
> You may feel differently as I get grumpier...

Believe me, you're being far too kind.


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