Child Protective Services and Political Views

Duncan Frissell frissell at
Tue Nov 12 12:44:45 PST 1996

At 11:26 AM 11/12/96 -0800, Timothy C. May wrote:
>Who knows, it may even be a
>technical crime ("contributing to the delinquency of a minor"?) to even
>discuss basic libertarian ideas with a minor. And as I said, Child
>Protective Services could quite possibly seize a child whose parents were
>sufficiently vocal about their beliefs.)

One shouldn't be vocal to public employees in any case.  Avoid them.  If
you are going to be vocal use a non government forum.  Separate your
personal life from your political life.  It's not too hard to break most of
the pointers between your physical presence and your ideological presence.
Even though an investigator could find where I sleep at night, they would
have to actually expend the resources.  My neighbors and the local cops are
unlikely to make the connection because they and I move in very different
circles and I minimize my database presence.

In any case, those stupid enough to turn their children over to the
government deserve whatever happens to them.  Even if CPS never gets
involved, the damage they do to their kids may be irreversible.  My parents
weren't that stupid in 1956 when I started school and that was at a much
lower level of knowledge of the effects of government schools.  There is no
excuse today when we can see the damage all around us.

As I said earlier today, you can reduce your risk of CPS oppression to nil
by keeping your kids out of public schools and licensed day care.


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