What is: Returned mail: User Unknown

Alec camcc at abraxis.com
Tue Nov 12 07:53:50 PST 1996

>Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1996 18:17:40 +1100
>To: mianigand at outlook.net, cypherpunks at toad.com
>To: owner-cypherpunks at toad.com
>To: cypherpunks-errors at toad.com
>References: <199611111831.KAA10148 at toad.com>
>X-Loop: postmaster at opennet.net.au
>Subject: Returned mail: User Unknown
>From: Open Net Postmaster <postmaster at opennet.net.au>
>Sender: owner-cypherpunks at toad.com
>The address you mailed to is no longer valid.
>This is probably because the user in question was an
>old Open Net subscriber. Open Net is NO LONGER an ISP,
>and has not been since May 1996.
>We have no redirection address for that user. Please
>remove them from any mailing lists you might have.
>This response was generated automatically.

I have received about 20 of these messages. Anyone else with this problem?



PGP Fingerprint:

pub  1024/41207EE5 1996/04/08 Alec McCrackin <camcc at abraxis.com>
Key fingerprint =  09 13 E1 CB B3 0C 88 D9  D7 D4 10 F0 06 7D DF 31 

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