Freedom and security

Steven Weller stevenw at
Wed May 1 23:15:25 PDT 1996

>> >Jim Ray wrote
>> I haven't bothered reading this particular thread up until now, but in my
>> opinion, based on this drivel, you're getting dangerously close to being
>> certified officially by the Cabal as an ignorant kook.
>> >Nor does freedom increase through less laws or no laws.
>> Of course it does. However, to maintain community resposibility must also
>> increase.
>Watch your attributation, Jim Ray did not write this.

You're right. I didn't think he did when I wrote my reply. And I don't now.
It was a case of hasty editing without rereading. Apologies to Jim Ray.

Should have been:

Colin Gabriel Hatcher - CyberAngels Director, net kook.

Steven Weller                      |  Weller's three steps to Greatness:
                                   |     1. See what others cannot
                                   |     2. Think what others cannot
stevenw at                   |     3. Express what others cannot

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