[NOISE] Cable-TV-Piracy-Punks

Randy Catoe Randy at mci.net
Sun Mar 31 21:12:33 PST 1996

>"Perry E. Metzger" <perry at piermont.com> writes:
> > Or to people with access to scanning microscopy techniques
> > like STMs or AFMs. I suspect that there are lots of
> > techniques that can be successfully used. It used to be that
> > using them required the sort of facilities only available at
> > a large semiconductor manufacturer, but now I suspect that
> > it would be easy for a student at a major university, and
> > probably less easy, but still perfectly feasible, for a
> > person working at home with lots of sophisticated but fairly
> > available equipment like STMs.
The proof would be in the pudding, would it not? Are their 
documented cases of smartcard scavenging? 

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