Edited Edupage, 24 March 1996

Perry E. Metzger perry at piermont.com
Thu Mar 28 15:57:42 PST 1996

Phil Karlton writes:
> Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> > 2) I strongly hope that Netscape tries to move the product towards
> >    standards based mechanisms like the IETF's RTP protocol, which are
> >    in widespread use, rather than pushing yet more proprietary
> >    systems. Proprietary is bad in this instance.
> Personally, I have some trouble with the work proprietary above.
>     SSL 2 and SSL 3 protocols have been IETF drafts from the beginning.

We aren't talking about SSL, Mr. Karlton. We are talking about RTP
vs. a proprietary audio encapsulation. If you don't know what RTP is,
you to learn before talking about it.

> SSL does depend upon an underlying reliable bytestream. This means it is
> not the best choice for all applications.

Such as internet phone, for example.


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