Why Americans feel no compulsion to learn foreign languages

Michael Helm mike at fionn.lbl.gov
Thu Mar 28 08:20:45 PST 1996

On Mar 28,  2:13am, Timothy C. May wrote:
> communicate with his neighbor, nor do I deny Michael Helm's point that by
> not studying Talegu we are denying ourselves access to the world's culture.
> In my next 25 lifetimes, with the advent of Nanocryonic Revitalization, I

Anyone who can read, should not have any problem figuring out that
I never made anything resembling the "point" ascribed to me.
There is certainly no point in carrying on a discussion with
someone who makes false attributions like this.

I could care less what language the people around me speak, but
it would be a more civilized world if they took care to tone
up their reasoning.  And when they need to resort to lies like
this to shore up their arguments, tar & feather 'em.

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