Mac Crypto Conference

vinnie moscaritolo vinnie at
Tue Mar 19 17:51:23 PST 1996

hey all;

I am interested in putting together a Macintosh crypto conference for folks
who do or want to write crypto on the mac.  I was thinking about a one or
two day thing..real tech stuff. (not so much the users), but I am flexable.

  I plan to hold it here at apple, cupertino. (so as to make it real cheep)

 If you have any ideas on what you would like to see there, either drop me
an email, at <vinnie at> or if you think it is worthy of a
public discussion reply at cypherpunks.

Vinnie Moscaritolo
Apple DTS Sniper
"One Shot..One Kill"

Fingerprint =  4F A3 29 81 50 E4 04 F2  78 25 01 87 6E A2 14 6A

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