Cut the mystical artist crap. (No crypto relevance here)

Anonymous nobody at REPLAY.COM
Mon Mar 11 13:56:52 PST 1996

Don't mystify what an "artist" is, please!

What the compromises have to do with are that one lives in
a society with rules, mores, laws.  One of those touch-shit
facts of life.  You can do what you want, but when it involves
other people, restrictions come in.  You deal with them,
whether you are an artist, programmer, politician, goverment
wonk, or whatever.

It has nothing to do with selling out or losing integrity.
If you want food and shelter and you're not living in the
woods, then you have to play by everyone else's rules if you
don't have the power to make your own rules.

Was it Thoreau who said "Consistency is the hobgoblin of

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