Noise: Re: Those Evil Republicans

hallam at hallam at
Wed Jun 26 21:50:43 PDT 1996

Jersey and the Isle of Man are not independent soverign nations. The
Manx parliament is subordinate to the English Privy Council and Jersey
is similarly an anachronism. Andora is ruled jointly by the French President
and a Spanish Bishop (or is it the other way round?).

Fogive my skepticism but I don't think that any ecconomist would seriously
suggest these as usefull models for modern industrial societies. The chief
industries being parasitic on those of larger nations.

There are political solutions to the problem of regulation being factored 
down to the lowest common denominator. That is the purpose of the Social
Chapter (nee charter) of the EU Maastricht agreement. The next round of
GATT is likely to contain similar requirements.


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