Let's Say "No!" to Single, World Versions of Software

Peter D. Junger junger at pdj2-ra.F-REMOTE.CWRU.Edu
Wed Jul 31 22:20:20 PDT 1996

Tom Weinstein writes:

: Mark M. wrote:
: > On Tue, 30 Jul 1996, Tom Weinstein wrote:
: > 
: >> We won't do this.  Our domestic version will always contain the
: >> strongest crypto we can provide.
: > 
: > Then what is the concern about anonymous arms-traffickers uploading
: > the strong crypto version to foreign FTP sites?  I recall you saying
: > that the State Department might revoke Netscape's "permission" to
: > provide a domestic version if it was exported.
: The only thing they can revoke is their permission to provide it for
: download over the internet.  They can't revoke our permission to sell
: it in stores or via snail mail.

Why can't they?  What steps do you take to make sure that the people
you sell it to aren't--gasp--foreign persons?

Peter D. Junger--Case Western Reserve University Law School--Cleveland, OH
Internet:  junger at pdj2-ra.f-remote.cwru.edu    junger at samsara.law.cwru.edu

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