"privatizing" phones?

Cerridwyn Llewyellyn ceridwyn at wolfenet.com
Sat Jul 27 12:29:27 PDT 1996

>While shopping for a new phone recently, I came across
>two models (Toshiba and Uniden I believe) that
>have buttons to "privatize" you conversations. These
>were on no-cord models. Does anyone have any idea
>on what these actually do? Can the phones  change
> the frequency the call is on randomly
>so people can't tune into it? I know cellulars offer something
>similar. Personally, I would never put much faith into
>something of this sort. 

Even if they did change the frequency the call was on, 
it would be a simple matter to decode how the frequency
change was negotiated, and "follow" the call (also easily
accomplished with cellular calls).  Failing that, there is 
a very limited range of frequencies allocated for cordless 
fones, and simply re-scanning for the conversation is a 
trivial inconvenience. //cerridwyn//

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