[Noise] was Re: Giving 6 year old kids Uzi's

Duncan Frissell frissell at panix.com
Tue Jul 23 19:32:13 PDT 1996

>At 5:14 PM -0700 7/22/96, Ernest Hua wrote:

>>Or the way many blacks were lynched (physically and socially) in the South.
>>Or the way many asians were segregated.  Or the way many ethnic groups
>>fought each other in inner cities.
>>These are cultural relics of the good ol' days I simply can do without.

Few armed blacks were lynched.  Like--none.  

In any case, posession of machined metal is in no way comparable to
lynching.  Massed armed attacks on people simply because they are alleged to
have possessed machined pieces of metal the size and shape of fifty-cent
pieces (the reason for the BATF attack on the religious community outside of
Waco) *is* comparable to lynching.


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