Home Made Telephone Voice Changer

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Tue Jul 23 05:22:42 PDT 1996

John Deters <jad at dsddhc.com> writes:
> On Wed, 17 Jul 1996, Jerome Tan wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to make a home-made telephone voice changer?
> Well, if you've got your sound card in your computer, if you download Speak
> Freely (from http://www.fourmilab.ch) and simultaneously turn on LPC-10
> compression along with simple compression, I've found my voice comes out
> more like Robbie the Robot than John Deters.  It's an interesting feature of
> the LPC-10 compression that as it removes redundancy from the transmission
> that it removes the "human identity" from it as well.  There's got to be a
> moral to that story somewhere (especially since the NSA developed the LPC-10
> algorithm).

You can find voicw changers and a lot of other fun toys in the Edge Company
catalog (+1 800 732 9976). They have other electronics, guns, knives, swords,
cross-bows, what have you. No homicidal maniac should be without their

It would be an interesting EE project to implement a voice changer in software
using a PC with a sound / phone board.


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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