Responding to Pre-dawn Unannounced Ninja Raids

snow snow at
Sun Jul 21 22:03:08 PDT 1996

On Sat, 20 Jul 1996, Elliot Lee wrote:
> IOW, if a 'pre-dawn unannounced ninja raid' [sic] occurs on you, you are
> pretty well beat, if only because the other side knows what they are doing
> and you have no idea of their plans.
> The only protection against lawlessness is not lawlessness, it is reason.

     I'm probably starting to sound a little bellish on this, but that is 
why I suggested (only half in jest) the hand gernade. 

     A pyrrhic victory is still a victory.

     Of course I am a little nuts. 

Petro, Christopher C.
petro at <prefered for any non-list stuff>
snow at

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