[RANT] Giving Mind Control Drugs to Children

Igor Chudov @ home ichudov at algebra.com
Sat Jul 6 19:15:02 PDT 1996

> At 6:17 PM 7/6/96, Alan Olsen wrote:
> >With these sort of tools, we are conditioning our children that it is OK if
> >someone filters their information before they see it. (Without even knowing
> >the *KIND* of information being filtered, because even *THAT* level of
> >knowledge is harmful and/or proprietary.) That it is OK for some parental
> >figure to eliminate all the "nasty" and "awful" information before someone
> >can hurt themselves with it.  That itt is OK to prevent others from viewing
> >information to complex for their childlike minds.

What annoys me to NO END is the laws that require that children under 
age of 13 (?) must always be under parental supervision. These laws 
even say that leaving children unsupervised is child abuse.

Well, i can grant that there are dangers associated with leaving
children alone. But being constantly supervised is way worse. It is
like being in jail.


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