[Ramble] Re: Hassles taking App. Crypt. to Taiwan?

Bruce Murphy packrat at ratbox.rattus.uwa.edu.au
Wed Jan 24 05:22:07 PST 1996

In message <199601221522.XAA29618 at relay3.jaring.my>, 
  Peng-chiew Low wrote:
> >If this were Singapore, they might consider it subversive literature,
> >because it is :-)  
> ...............and the next thing you'll probably say is that Asians live in
> tree houses
> and have pet gorillas or whatever :)......

*puzzled look* They don't?

And before I get totally off topic, on the subject of the Singaporean
government and their attitude to do-what-you-will liberalism (hah!),
just as a bit of noise, what sexual practices are illegal in Singapore?

Now that's *way* off topic, but what is there in the way of
enforcement for said regulations. More specifically, any info
generally on the whole Singapore law-enforcement system. Not of course
the public things, but it's intelligence stuff.

if AC is considered subversive... Mass media has had some interesting
articles about the Singapore govt being a little worried about being
either isolated or forced to abandon their vaunted censorship
role. Article itself was rubbish, but the idea behind it was interesting.

Packrat (BSc/BE;COSO;Wombat Admin)
Nihil illegitemi carborvndvm.

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