Elitism on Cypherpunks

Alan Olsen alano at teleport.com
Thu Jan 18 21:05:05 PST 1996


I have seen a number of posts on "Cypherpunk Elitism".  I have seen more 
examples of it here on the list.

I think that this attitude will be more destructive to the list than noise 
in the long run.

It has been said that "Cypherpunks write code".  They must do more than 
that.  Cypherpunks need to teach.

All the cryptotools in the world are of no use if no one knows how to use 
them.  (Or know how to use them correctly.)  All of the protocols are of no 
use if no one knows how to impliment them correctly or WHY they need them in 
the first place.

There are alot of bogus security methods.  Many of them exist because people 
do not know better. Without someone to instruct them in the ways of these 
things, they will continue to go on with bad crypto, not knowing any better.

Not all of the non-cypherpunks are beyond hope.  Many of them are teachable. 
 If we leave them to flounder on their own, cryptography will be something 
used only by an elite.  It will be of little or no threat to the powers that 
be because only a small amount of people will have the ability to use it.  
The TLAs will have less encrypted trafic to sort through.  They will have 
won a big battle, not through force of arms but force of egos.

What can be done?  Alot.

Teach people how to use PGP.  Help them generate keys.  Help them get them 
signed.  Show them how to use remailers.  Teach them the secret of nyms.  
Friends teach friends how to use crypto.

Adopt a BBS.  They may be young, but they may also become the cypherpunks of 
tommorow.  Upload current versions of programs.  Keep them current.  
Organize keysignings on the board.  Host crypto discussions.  Help stamp out 
the misinformation that breeds on such systems.

Instilling the interest in the field and teaching will do more for the cause 
than all of the "this is noise" postings in the world.  Helping those who 
have questions will help the newbies no longer be newbies.

There are some on the list who have already taken this tact and must be 
commended.  There are others who have taken the "fuck you" attitude to 
anyone they do not find worthy opon first contact.  Bad attitudes are 
counter productive.

To prevent the fall of a new dark ages, we must make sure that the 
information is spread far and wide.  I think the statement that descibes it 
best is:

           "UN-altered REPRODUCTION and DISSEMINATION of 
            this IMPORTANT information is ENCOURAGED."

There is alot that cypherpunks can do to encourage the use of cryptography 
by "the common man".  Elitism is not one of them.  In the long run it will 
be counterproductive.  And maybe in the short run as well...

Version: 2.6.2

Alan Olsen -- alano at teleport.com -- Contract Web Design & Instruction
        `finger -l alano at teleport.com` for PGP 2.6.2 key 
       "Is the operating system half NT or half full?"

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