Online Zakat Payment: Religious tithe.

Steven C. Perkins sperkins at
Thu Feb 15 10:21:12 PST 1996

I am resending Mr. Gabb's message edited to show that Mr. May wrote the
three lines in question.

SC Perkins

At 10:34 AM 2/13/96 +0000, you wrote:
>On Mon, 12 Feb 1996, Timothy C. May wrote:
> Once again, the gutter religion of Islam reveals the derangement of its
> so-called Prophet.
> The world really needs to get around to nuking these folks.
>Oh, Come now!  Islam may in its present form be a religion deeply hostile 
>to liberty.  But since "nuking" the whole Islamic world would not be 
>itself much of a defence of freedom, the only long term answer is to 
>promote within Islam the same kind of Reformation as eventually made 
>Christianity half decent.  And Tim's comments do not contribute to that.  
>I don't know how many internet servers there are in the Middle East.  
>But, if I were an intelligent fundamentalist, I'd be copying it all over 
>the place.  "Look", I'd be saying, "these people really do mean another 
>crusade to destroy us and our faith".
>I can understand Tim's disgust with these people.  But I do question his 
>manner of expressing it.
Steven C. Perkins                             sperkins at
User Services Coordinator, Rutgers School of Law at Newark
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"Raise your voices to the Sky. It is a Good Day to die." Chief Crazy Horse

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