Spin Control Alert (LI Newsday, 2/12/96)

Tue Feb 13 18:02:25 PST 1996

From:	IN%"declan+ at CMU.EDU"  "Declan B. McCullagh" 13-FEB-1996 00:19:48.79

>Exactly. Catharine MacKinnon, for instance, has called the EFF and other
>Rimm-debunkers part of the "pro-pornography power block" which
>represents the "howling fury of the pornographers protecting their
>penises and their wallets."

	So Catharine MacKinnon wants to castrate and steal from men? No
surprise... Excellent quote to repeat, BTW... it might even get
the male followers of the Christian Coalition et al to question with whom
they're working. 

>ObCrypto: Yes, Know Your Enemies and work with the natural enemies of
>the religious right, such as groups like the ACLU and the FEN. The
>theocratic push to outlaw nonescrowed crypto is next.

	As I said before about the CPSR and libertarians (and Rush Limbaugh and
libertarians), politics makes strange bedfellows.

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