"Helping the clueless" on crypto-privacy: the Zundelhoaxers

Rich Graves llurch at networking.stanford.edu
Sun Feb 11 16:51:00 PST 1996


I seem to have introduced one of the leading white supremacist activists
to PGP and cypherpunk remailers recently, perhaps because of my promise to
archive their mailing list publicly and spoof messages from them if they
didn't. I'm so proud. I assume the ADL and allied organizations will be
learning more about PGP as well. 

  Type bits/keyID    Date       User ID
  pub  1024/C01741A1 1996/02/01 Don Black <dblack at jbx.com>
Tom Metzger <metzger at cts.com> and Neo-Nazi straight woman Ingrid Rimland
<ezundel at cts.com> do not yet use PGP, but I'm working on it. 

The message below (Stormfront-L is Don's moderated mailing list for
"Aryan" activists, which can be quite entertaining -- subscription
instructions at tail) has a few technical misconceptions that should
probably be corrected, though of course it would be Bad to cross-pollinate
the lists. 

I've also created and propagated PGP keys for each of Don Black's other
email addresses as a way of teaching him about key identification,
propagation, and signing.

There was an earlier message on Stormfront-L from an alpha.c2.org nym who 
was having trouble. I assume Sameer helped him out.

So anyway, here's the message. I have a few more comments after the
included message. 

- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 1996 13:01:02 GMT
From: Stormfront-l <stormfront-l at stormfront.org>
To: llurch at networking.stanford.edu
Subject: Re: a message on Stormfront-L


From: Secret Squirrel
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 96 13:01:02 GMT
Subject: Re: a message on Stormfront-L

BTW it is a good idea to sign your own key, as this helps defeat
fraudulent use of your pgp public key. (I don't know how it's done,
but read about the problem on alt.security.pgp). I've signed my key
twice, once with my 1024 and again with my 2048 bit key.

I saw a message on Stormfront-L saying that the 'international
version' was the best PGP system, however this is only for use outside
the USA. It might be best for nationalists in the US to note this in
order to avoid any problems. (It does have 2048 bit security, but
2.6.2 can generate 2047 bits, so it isn't that bad!) Also people
should use a _minimum_ of 1024 bits as smaller numbers have been

In a message to Stormfront-L re: White Wolf, it was stated that there
was problems posting to that address. I can confirm that there is
interference with the remailers and pseudo-anonymous mailers. I
believe that neither of these systems is secure. In my case I found
that one could subscribe to your list, but the moment one posted to
it, the account was blocked. Further that anonymous messages sent to
the list via a remailer (no a/c) would get through on the first
attempt, but not afterwards. This suggests that the enemy inform the
sysops of the remailers, and subsequently posting is blocked from
those remailers. Further I suspect that the remailers keep 'message in
- - message out' ID logs, which means that (if they take sufficient
interest) a message could be subsquently traced back through a chain
of remailers.

There is a method of finding out where messages come from,
it is called (I believe) 'packet tracing'. It is possible that I've
experienced this with pseudo-anonymous posts to your list. I set up an
account with alpha.c2.org via remailers (they wouldn't know my real
address) however the messages were stripped from your list,
and large numbers of 'packets' of the same size were sent out, i.e. my
reply-block only. These packets can be traced through remailers to an
address (by people with sufficient computing power). Believe me the
enemy is so concerned with the white-nationalist movement, they want
to know exactly who is posting. If you search amongst the web sites
dealing with security, the details of tracing etc. are fully
documented (unfortunately I've lost the addresses due to problems with
my web browser cache).

The use of anon accounts is useful to the sender, however people who
reply will, no doubt, have there addresses recorded   at
alpha.c2.org etc. All mail sent by nationalists to their comrades
should be in PGP, so even if their adds. are recorded the contents
will be (mostly) hidden. Although the anon people may hit back by
blocking the a/c!

The anon server at anon.penet.fi is basically useless for posting to
the alt.nationalism group. All my messages have been returned
'unwanted group'. I've also found that the mail-to-news gateways
won't accept traffic to those groups either. Essentially the enemy has
denied people anonymous access to nationalist usenet groups.

For a short period my ISP blocked direct posting to
alt.politics.nationalism.white, but for some reason this has been

I hope the above has been of interest to you, and if you wish to
forward the info. to the list etc., please anonymize it.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
To: Multiple recipients of the Stormfront-L Mailing List
Host: Don Black <dblack at mail.stormfront.org> Finger for PGP public key.
To unsubscribe, send e-mail to 'listserv at stormfront.org' with the
line 'unsubscribe Stormfront-L' in the message BODY, not the subject.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----
Processed with Listserv v2.83 for Wildcat v4
- ---------- End Forwarded message ----------

I like Nazis and racists. I want to learn more about them. Where they
live, how they make their money, who they call, and so on. All completely
above-ground, of course. 

By the way, does anyone know of any security deficiencies in this Wildcat 
Listserv software that would allow someone to obtain the list membership?
They seem to be assuming that it's a secret, which IMO is a bad policy. 
They should all move to anonymous remailers or, better, carrier pigeons.
If you know of any sich problems, please send me encrypted mail, and Cc 
Don. Of course, you can't be absolutely sure which key is Don's... Maybe 
you should use the ultra-secure Enigma code instead of PGP.

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."
"We hold these truths to be self-evident..."
"Fight hate speech with more speech."
"To the ends of the earth I will follow thee."
"The pen is mightier than the sword."

- -rich
 Institute for Ernst Zundel Revisionism
 "First, bring down Zundel's suffering in terms of numbers and
 events, both real and imagined, to what it really was, not what
 they say it was, what they exploit for their own political,
 financial, and geopolitical purposes."

Version: 2.6.2


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