Need a "warning" graphic of some kind for CDA

Gordon Campbell campbelg at
Wed Feb 7 12:36:55 PST 1996

At 01:48 PM 04/02/96 EST, Dr. Dimitri Vulis wrote:
>Either the 'no' sign (red crossed circle) or a wide red cross over one of:
> rattle
> baby bottle / pacifier
> disposable diapers (with contents visible)
>  safety pin?

I've file-attached a first attempt at something like this to Robert Hayden
(the original poster.) It's the international 'no' sign superimposed over a
drooling baby.

If he likes it and is able to post it somewhere, he's free to do so. I'd
post it myself, but I have no web access (not yet, anyway).

Gordon R. Campbell, Owner - Mowat Woods Graphics
P.O. Box 1902, Kingston, Ontario, Canada  K7L 5J7
Ph: (613) 542-4087   Fax: (613) 542-1139
2048-bit PGP key available on request.

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