Futplex makes the news!

Rich Graves llurch at networking.stanford.edu
Sat Feb 3 07:41:28 PST 1996

I originally sent Tim private mail saying "you're wrong."

On the other hand, reading futplex's actual statement and the fact that
Germany continues to "investigate" CompuServe and AOL, maybe he's right... 

This is not the end, but it may be the end of the beginning.

I also think there's a place for premature ejaculations of victory, 
because they tend to become self-fulfilling prophecies. If the press says 
that Germany is successfully censoring Zundel, then that sets a 
precedent; but if the press says that Germany's limp attempts to censor 
somebody on the Internet were a total failure, then they'll just look 
like a bunch of goofballs pursuing a lost cause. 


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