Army Cryptanalysis manual online

Marcus Watts mdw at
Mon Dec 16 22:34:17 PST 1996

Joel had written regarding:

> The US Army's Field Manual on Basic Cryptanalysis (FM 34-40-2), dated
> September 1990 is available for downloading as an Acrobat PDF file from:

There is now a more or less complete copy in:

If I can find a copy of the acrobat viewer that works (I
downloaded an AIX version, only to discover that it doesn't
work under AIX 3.2.5.  Grrr.), I'll put a postscript version
up as well.

Unfortunately, as Joel notes, the original site is definitely both
slow and flakey - so I had to guess as to the order of all the

				-Marcus Watts
				UM ITD PD&D Umich Systems Group

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