Baran on Net Security

John Young jya at
Mon Dec 9 10:26:48 PST 1996

RAND has put on it Web site eleven "classics" on distributed
communications, most of them by Paul Baran. They offer good 
background to current debate on secrecy, security and 
cryptography. Here are the contents of No. 9 on security.

August 1964

On Distributed Communications:
IX Security, Secrecy, and Tamper-Free Considerations

Paul Baran

Contents, Preface, Summary, Foreword

I.   Introduction

II.  The Paradox of the Secrecy About Secrecy 

     The Assumption of a Clear Dichotomy Between Classified 
     and Unclassified Subject Matter
     Cost and Result of Present-Day Cryptographic Equipment
     On Secrecy of Secrecy

III. Some Fundamentals of Cryptography 

     Digital Transmission
     Layers of Encryption

IV.  Implications for the Distributed Network System 

     Link-by-Link Cryptography in the Distributed Network
     End-to-End Cryptography in the Distributed Network
     Genealogy of the Keys
     Generation and Distribution of Keys
     Protection Offered by Semi-Random Path Choice

V.   A "Devil's Advocate" Examination


Use of a Function of N-Boolean Variables as a Second-Order
Modifier for "Next-Key" Generation

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