PGP 5.0??

Adam Back aba at
Fri Dec 6 07:27:28 PST 1996

Andrew Loewenstern <andrew_loewenstern at> writes:
> someone writes:
> >  Wrong!  You must telnet to, but the correct logname
> >  is "getpgp" with no password.  It will ask you some questions
> >  (like are you a US citizen), and then give you an
> >  export-controlled ftp directory to go to.
> >
> >  As far as I know, however, PGP 5.0 is still in beta test,
> >  though you can get a snapshot from there (in source form only).
> >  They also have source and binaries for the latest released
> >  version of PGP 3.
> what are you guys talking about???  AFAIK, the most current,
> released, version of PGP is 2.6.2.  

pgp263ia is more recent, and has more bug fixes.  pgp263ui more recent
still, and has the same bug fixes plus some additional functionality,
minus some other functionality.


mit pgp262

> Version 3 is not finished and anything you may get your hands on is
> a prerelease version.  

You won't be getting your hands on a prerelease version unless you're
one of their commercial licensors.

> PGP 4 and 5 simply don't exist!

quite so.

> ...and isn't the site of the Good Doctor Fred Cohen??

Sure is.  That part I think was a practical joke.  Much like
suggesting someone connect to ftp site `' for kewl war3z.

Cohen was actively harrassing people (email to postmaster, employee,
etc) who so much as pinged his site, for some unfathomable reason he
viewed this as a malicious attack on the security of his machine.

print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>

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