The Science Generations

Dale Thorn dthorn at
Fri Dec 6 01:14:28 PST 1996

Timothy C. May wrote:
> Steve brings us some important issues. Even a few crypto-related issues, later.
> At 7:08 PM -0800 12/5/96, Steve Schear wrote:
> >When I was doing my undergraduate work several of us built a heat-seeking
> >and homing circuit which we subsequently tested in a small (24-inch) solid


> I believe there have been roughly (very roughly) three genarations of
> "science kids":


> * Generation 3: The computer generation. The 1970s-80s, who grew up with
> Commodore PETs and Apple IIs (and some later machines). These are the "new
> pioneers"  of the 1980s-90s, the Marc Andreesens and the like.

I would guess that those who became and remained successful technically
(as opposed to becoming "business people") were using HP computers and
such in the 1970s.  I for one was a heavy user then, and PETs, Apples,
Radio Shack, etc. computers weren't reliable enough for serious work.

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