FW: Dimitri IS Detweiler

Butler, Scott SButler at chemson.com
Fri Dec 6 00:52:35 PST 1996

Nobody wrote:
>Dimitri Vulis wrote:
>| He he he what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander blah blah
>  ^^^^^^^^
>| blah intellectual dishonesty blah blah blah typical logorrhetic "cypher
>| punk" can't spell his own nym politely.
>There we have it! PROOF that Dimitri is a tentacle of Detweiler.
>Own up Dimitri!  (sorry for the previous accusation Dale)

If THAT (he he he) is proof that Dimitri is Lance Detwieler then using
the same theory, so it Mutley the cartoon dog.

Nobody wrote this......I wish they hadn't bothered!


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